Plugin for Auction Data Wizard v1.9.3.1+ Images Backup for OZtion Listings
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Please note that Auction Data Wizard software has been discontinued.

You can try the new developed software: Listings Converter. Click here to visit the website.
The Imagoscape® Auction Data Wizard is a powerful tool for converting various data files (also user-defined files) from AbeBooks™, Alibris™, Amazon™, AoB™, AtomicMall™, Biblio™, Bonanza™, CQout™, Delcampe™, eBay™, eBid™, eCrater™, Etsy™, EtsyCSV™, Facebook™ Payvment™ Storefront, Google Base™ Data Feeds, Google Shopping™ Data Feeds, HipStamp™, iOffer™, MyAuctionPlanet™, Quicksales OZtion™, PrestaShop™, Shopify™, StampFair™, TheAmericanPeddler™, Trade Me™, Trading Post™ listings and UIEE Books™. Auction Data Wizard assists online sellers in the quick import, export and conversion of files to auction
listing programs such as :
- AbeBooks™ HomeBase™
- Alibris™
- Amazon™
- AoB™
- AtomicMall™
- Biblio™
- Bonanza™
- CQout™
- Delcampe™ Lister
- eBay™ Turbo Lister™
- eBid™ Ninja Lister™
- eCrater™
- Etsy™
- EtsyCSV™
- Facebook™ Payvment™ Storefront
- Google Base™
- Google Shopping™
- HipStamp™
- iOffer™
- MyAuctionPlanet™
- Quicksales OZtion™ Express Lister
- PrestaShop™
- Shopify™
- StampFair™
- TheAmericanPeddler™
- Trade Me™
- Trading Post™ Ad Tools Plus and
- UIEE™ Auction and Books
Give it a try to see what it's really capable of!
Please contact
for any other auction file conversions to be added in Auction Data Wizard.
Latest Version : 2.24.47 Build 127 Build Date : 7 January 2021
New Features Added :
- Import and Export AoB Tab delimited files
- Import and Export Google Shopping Data Feeds Tab delimited files
- Import and Export PrestaShop Tab delimited files
- Convert AoB to PrestaShop listings
- Convert PrestaShop to Google Shopping Data Feeds listings
The program is currently available for Evaluation.
Please see the
page for more information.
Product Features:
Main Features :
- Import and Export AbeBooks™ HomeBase™ TAB Delimited files
- Import and Export Alibris™ Book TAB Delimited files
- Import and Export Amazon™ TAB Delimited files
- Import and Export AoB™ TAB Delimited files
- Import and Export AtomicMall™ TAB Delimited files
- Import and Export Biblio™ TAB Delimited files
- Import and Export Bonanza™ TAB Delimited files
- Import and Export CQout™ TAB Delimited files
- Import and Export Delcampe™ Lister™ TAB and CSV Delimited files
- Import and Export eBay™ Turbo Lister™ CSV (File Exchange Format) files
- Import and Export eBid™ Ninja Lister™ TAB Delimited files
- Import and Export eCrater™ TAB Delimited files
- Import and Export Etsy™ TAB and CSV Delimited files
- Import and Export EtsyCSV™ TAB and CSV Delimited files
- Import and Export Facebook™ Payvment™ Storefront TAB Delimited files
- Import and Export Google Base™ XML and TAB Delimited files
- Import and Export Google Shopping™ TAB Delimited files
- Import and Export iOffer™ TAB and CSV Delimited files
- Import and Export MyAuctionPlanet™ TAB Delimited files
- Import and Export OZtion™ Express Lister XML files
- Import and Export PrestaShop™ TAB Delimited files
- Import and Export Shopify™ TAB and CSV Delimited files
- Import and Export TheAmericanPeddler™ TAB Delimited files
- Import and Export Trade Me™ TAB Delimited files
- Import and Export Trading Post™ Ad Tools Plus CSV files
- Import and Export UIEE™ Auction and Books files
- Export Selected Fields of Auction Listings to a TAB Delimited text file
- *Convert AbeBooks™ to eBay™ listings
- *Convert AbeBooks™ to eBid™ listings
- *Convert AbeBooks™ to OZtion™ listings
- *Convert Alibris™ Book to eBay™ listings
- *Convert Amazon™ to eBay™ listings
- *Convert AoB™ to PrestaShop™ listings
- *Convert Bonanza™ to eBay™ listings
- *Convert Bonanza™ to Etsy™ listings
- *Convert CQout™ to eBay™ listings
- *Convert Delcampe™ to eBay™ listings
- *Convert Delcampe™ to eBid™ listings
- *Convert eBay™ to AbeBooks™ listings
- *Convert eBay™ to Alibris™ Book listings
- *Convert eBay™ to Amazon™ listings
- *Convert eBay™ to AtomicMall™ listings
- *Convert eBay™ to Bonanza™ listings
- *Convert eBay™ to CQout™ listings
- *Convert eBay™ to Delcampe™ listings
- *Convert eBay™ to eBid™ listings
- *Convert eBay™ to eCrater™ listings
- *Convert eBay™ to Etsy™ listings
- *Convert eBay™ to Facebook™ Payvment™ Storefront listings
- *Convert eBay™ to iOffer™ listings
- *Convert eBay™ to MyAuctionPlanet™ listings
- *Convert eBay™ to OZtion™ listings
- *Convert eBay™ to Shopify™ listings
- *Convert eBay™ to Trading Post™ listings
- *Convert eBid™ to AbeBooks™ listings
- *Convert eBid™ to Delcampe™ listings
- *Convert eBid™ to eBay™ listings
- *Convert eBid™ to OZtion™ listings
- *Convert eBid™ to TheAmericanPeddler™ listings
- *Convert eCrater™ to eBay™ listings
- *Convert eCrater™ to TheAmericanPeddler™ listings
- *Convert Etsy™ to Bonanza™ listings
- *Convert Etsy™ to eBay™ listings
- *Convert Etsy™ to TheAmericanPeddler™ listings
- *Convert Facebook™ Payvment™ Storefront to eBay™ listings
- *Convert Google Base™ to eBid™ listings
- *Convert Google Base™ to eBay™ listings
- *Convert Google Base™ to OZtion™ listings
- *Convert Google Base™ to TheAmericanPeddler™ listings
- *Convert iOffer™ to eBay™ listings
- *Convert OZtion™ to AbeBooks™ listings
- *Convert OZtion™ to eBay™ listings
- *Convert OZtion™ to eBid™ listings
- *Convert OZtion™ to Trading Post™ listings
- *Convert PrestaShop™ to Google Shopping™ listings
- *Convert TheAmericanPeddler™ to eBid™ listings
- *Convert Trading Post™ to eBay™ listings
- *Convert Trading Post™ to OZtion™ listings
- *Convert UIEE™ Auction to eBay™ listings
- *Convert UIEE™ Books to eBay™ listings
* Note: conversion is performed on similar fields.
- Plugin available :
* Images Backup for OZtion Listings : saves your listings' images
to the database and extract images to a specific folder.
- Import Wizard for importing Tab delimited files by matching similar columns.
- Image Resizer and Converter for resizing and converting product images to BMP, GIF, JPEG, PNG and TIFF.
- Duplicate auction listings by specifying number of copies.
- Specify auction default settings for auction conversion
- Matching AbeBooks™, Bonanza™, eBay™, eBid™ and OZtion™ Category Codes for Books and Gardening categories (Note : More categories will be added in the future release of Auction Data Wizard)
- Single or Multiple Listings Selection functionality for Exporting, Converting and Deleting Listings
- Inventory : Add, Edit, Import and Export Inventory details.
- Apply the Books Template to the eBay Description field.
- Suppliers : Add, Edit, Import and Export Supplier details.
- Customers : Add, Edit, Import and Export Customer details.
- Print Mailing Labels from the Customers table.
- Restore Backup Database with options of Adding New Listings or Replacing Current Database and Backup Database Reminder
- Optional loading of Previous Database at application startup.
- Options window for specifying default user folders : Backup, Import and Export folders.
a Free 15-Day Trial Version of Imagoscape® Auction Data Wizard.